Do you Twitter?  Well you should!

If you don’t, you’re not alone.  Among my friends, family and colleagues, I’m the only one who tweets… obsessively!  They don’t get it.  They laugh at my twaddiction and poke fun at the imagined withdrawal symptoms I’ll feel should I ever be without an internet connection (*gasp!).  That’s fine… they can laugh all they want… they’re completely oblivious to the tremendous fun they’re missing.  I tell them but they don’t listen… but I know you will. 🙂

You need to be part of the Twitter Revolution!  Get in on the ground floor now and be known as an early adopter before it’s too late.  My fweeps (that’s friend in Twitter speak) Deborah Micek (@CoachDeb is her Twitter handle) and Warren Whitlock (@WarrenWhitlock) have written a great little how-to book that you just don’t want to miss.  It’s called the Twitter Handbook, appropriately enough, and you can find out more about the first book written about Twitter by clicking here.

I’ve read a pre-release copy and it’s fantastic!  I even picked up a few neat tips that have taken my tweeting to a new level – and that says alot!  I’ve been tweeting for close to two years and I still learned some new tricks.

Last night, they held a pre-release party and I just HAD to be there.  I passed on a family Labour Day weekend in order to be in the land of highspeed when the party started.  And boy oh boy what a party!  You can hear the replay at but you won’t be able to experience the best part: the live tweeting that was going on behind the scenes.  I’ve never had as much fun building my social network!  And it expanded by leaps and bounds last night!

I’m happy as a clam this morning knowing that my Me Weekend just got a little less lonely now that I have my new fweeps to keep me company (no one warned me that there are A LOT of hours to fill without my honey!).

So be part of the revolution and register for your free Twitter account today!

Happy tweeting!

@iDeborah 🙂