
About iDeborah

Quirky and authentic in all her thousand parts, she’s known for calling to sing you silly songs when you’re feeling blue and her infectious smile. She loves listening to people’s stories and always coaxes people to reveal the movie that is their life. A true joy to be around and an inspiration to work with, she always has a smile on her face and a song in her heart (if not on her lips).

3 Tips To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

Everywhere you look you see people using Smart Phones, iPhones and a variety of handheld devices to surf the web.  I'm sure there's some fancy statistic I could look up that will tell me the percentage of browsing done by mobile device... and I'm sure as soon as I type [...]

OptimizePress: An Easy Tool For Designing Attractive Salespages & Landing Pages

Designing an effective and attractive salespage or landing page got a whole lot easier with the introduction of OptimizePress.  If you haven't heard the buzz, OptimizePress is a WordPress theme that gives online business owners with limited HTML coding and design skills the ability to create optimized squeeze pages, attractive [...]

Friday Funny: ZUCKERBERG The Musical

It's Facebook Friday!  For those of you that follow such things, Facebook just started trading on the NASDAQ exchange today.  To mark the occasion, I am sharing Zuckerberg: The Musical. As a side note: I've actually performed in most of the musicals featured in the video. Zuckerberg: The Musical [youtube] [...]

2018-07-05T09:35:12-05:00By |Just For Fun|0 Comments


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