By Deborah Carraro

Your website is a stage. Once you get that, you’ll be able to reinvent your business in a memorable way. Gone are the days when your website was merely a digital version of your offline brochures. Start thinking of your website as a stage and you’ll be able to tell your story in a memorable manner to your target audience.

By thinking of your website as a stage it becomes a presentation and performance platform. Suddenly, you see content in a new light – to entertain and inform. I’m a big believer that everyone has a story and there is a market to hear the story you have to tell. Whether that story is about how you service their needs or how your product can solve their most pressing need – there’s somebody out there right now, waiting to hear that story.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty, you need to use an attention grabbing headline. Just like the lighted marquees on Broadway, your headline needs to jump off the page and tell your visitors exactly how your website is going to help them. You have a few seconds to capture a visitor’s attention before they surf elsewhere. This is your opening number, the overture for the performance. The Epilogue before Act I, Scene 1. Why should they come to your show? Be sure to tell them.

Choose your players well. There are many ways to tell your story: blogging, podcasts, eZines, videos, audio postcards – each “actor” brings new depth and dimension to your stage. As director, your main task is to select the right actors for your performance. Maybe your audience won’t respond well to audio postcards but they go ga-ga over videos. Consider your audience wisely when designing your website. Choose your elements carefully and measure your results.

Work from the right script. As director of your online show, make sure that your actors (the words on your site, video, audio, graphics) have rehearsed their lines and know their part. It’s their job to tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience. Give them a script to work with – a focused campaign that tells your audience why they should care about what you’re offering. Without that, your communication will be confusing and irrelevant and your story won’t be heard.

Every director needs a stage manager. Staging a performance takes work and no director can do it alone. Building a website takes work too – don’t think you have to do it on your own. If you’re not in a position to hire help, then find ways to educate yourself about the tasks that need to be completed. We’ll cover the basics over the next few weeks but if you need help beyond that, don’t be afraid to ask.

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