Happy Valentine’s Day!
Can Valentine’s Day Be A Marketing Opportunity For Your Business?
Many believe that Valentines have no place in business. The childhood practice of sending a candy gram or signing a Valentine’s Day card to each of your classmates has never been replicated in the business world.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t capture some of the Valentine’s Day buzz for your business. After all, with Google Trends you can see that the keyword Valentines spikes right before Valentine’s Day. A lot of people will be online today looking for unique gifts for their Valentine’s. Maybe your product or service could fit the bill?
Send A Special VA-lentine
Last night as I was watching The Grammys, I received a message on Facebook from a band that I like, Vaness aLegacy. They have been competing in the Shure SM58 Give It Voice competition and have been asking their fans to vote for them in the competition. By way of saying thanks, they sent out the following message on the eve of Valentine’s Day:
Music and love are synonymous! And VA wants to help you all show the one you love how much they mean to you. This is our way to say thanks for voting.
Starting tomorrow and lasting the week, you can send that special someone a VA-lentine. Tell us what song you want and who to dedicate it to and we will make you a video of us dedicating and performing the song (a verse and chorus – depends on our vibe).
EX. Pat wants to send Lina U2’s “With or without you”
We record the song our way and personalize it.
So forget those badly written Hallmark cards! We’ve got the sounds that will leave your loved one speechless.
Much love. Happy VA-lentines to everyone!
Send those requests!
iChat: How Will You Be Saying I Love You?
- How will you be saying I love you to your fans, followers and clients today?
- Is there a place for Valentine’s Day in your business?
- Can you think of a way to incorporate Valentine’s Day (or any other seasonal day or holiday) into your business?
Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment below. And if you have any feedback to share on the changes, feel free to share!
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Deborah Carraro, Cecil McIntosh. Cecil McIntosh said: RT @iDeborah: New blog post: Happy Valentine's Day! How Will You Be Saying I Love You? – http://tinyurl.com/4zuyef6 […]