Let’s start with the basics. To record audio, you’ll need a microphone. Now there are many models to choose from. What works best for me may not work for you. I use a headset, specifically the Logitech Premium Notebook Headset. I used to use the Plantronics GAMECOM 1 PC HEADSET ( 67003-01 ) which has amazing headphones until someone in my house realized how good the sound quality was on the headphones and commandeered them for his personal use… and broke the microphone. I don’t let him play with my toys anymore 🙂
Many of my clients use the Plantronics SUPRA PLUS MONAURAL/NC HEADSET ( H251N ). It’s important to find a headset that feels comfortable so don’t pick one based on what others use. Find what feels comfortable, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time using the headset (especially if you have a VoIP account or Skype account and spend time speaking with clients and prospects over the Internet).
You may even choose to get something like the Logitech USB Desktop Microphone which would eliminate having to use a headset. Again, it’s important to find what works for you so shop around.
Once you have a microphone, you need recording software. If you’re just planning to add audio to your website, the services below will help you do so:
AudioGenerator adds audio capabilities to your website and emails. You’ve probably seen the links around before. In fact, if you click the AudioGenerator link, you’ll be taken to the website where you will hear an example. AudioGenerator allows you to record over the phone, which is handy for clients who want to call in and leave audio testimonials for your website, or you can record an audio on your computer and upload it to use within the system.
AudioAcrobat also adds audio capabilities to your website. It has many of the same features as AudioGenerator with the addition of being able to record an hour of personal audio which can then be used for your audio products. You can also record up to two hours of teleclasses, interviews or conference calls using your phone’s 3-way calling features. This is a feature that is unique to AudioAcrobat – the ability to record phone calls. Worth looking into if you need to keep a voice record of your calls or want an easy way to record interviews. Be aware though that the recording quality would only be as good as your telephone.
Teleseminar Recording
If you regularly host teleseminars, there are easy tools to help you host and record your calls. Let’s take a look at some of the options:
Instant Teleseminar is a great tool to help you get your teleseminar off the ground. With a few easy clicks, you can create the sign-up page, host the call, record the call and instantly publish the replay once the call is over. Once the call is complete, you will also be able to download the recording to your local machine for editing and offline use.
Free Conference Call is another great service. Not as comprehensive as Instant Teleseminar but it will allow you to host and record calls at no cost. I believe calls are only archived until the next call is hosted so you’ll have to go in and download the call immediately after it’s recorded. There may be an instant replay feature but I’ve not used it. Clients who used this service would always ask me to download the call and post it on their own website for replay.
A few drawbacks to the service: sometimes you can’t get a line. It’s a free, reservationless service so there may be times when there is heavy traffic on the backbone and you won’t be able to get a line. And I’ve also been on calls where lines somehow get crossed and you hear another teleseminar in progress rather than the one you’ve called in to. So be aware that there are some challenges that are part and parcel of using a free system. There are other free systems but they all have the same challenges and Free Conference Call is the one that, in my experience, seems to not be as affected as some of the other services.
Audio Editing
Believe it or not, one of the best tools for editing audio is the free software called Audacity. There may be a small charge now (around $25) but the software is easy to use and can be used to record as well as edit audio files.
Some of my clients use Sound Forge Audio Studio. It also allows you to record, edit and encode your audio files and probably has some extra bells and whistles that aren’t availble in Audacity. The quality is a bit higher than recordings in Audacity. The software is available for $54.95 USD.
The Premiere Internet Audio Resource
If you’re looking for a one-stop shopping solution and have a few bucks to spend, then Mike Stewart, The Internet Audio Guy, is the place for you. I have had a few clients purchase some of his packages and they’ve been very satisfied. His packages include the tools you need to record on your computer and over the phone at studio quality as well as editing software. For some packages, there is a bit of a learning curve. In fact, I was once interviewed for an hour using one of his systems only to find out that the call didn’t record and we had to reschedule the interview.
Which brings me to a valuable lesson: whatever method you use to record your product, don’t rely on just one method – always have a backup recording method at your disposal in case your primary system fails.
There are other systems – the resources I’ve listed above are by no means the only tools at your disposal. They’re the tools my clients have used successfully in their business which is why I’m sharing them with you. If you have experience with other tools that you’d like to share, be sure to drop me a line. I’m always on the lookout for new resources.
Next week, we’ll take a look at services to enhance your audio products. In the meantime, have a great week!