Let’s face it, not everyone has the patience or tenacity to write an eBook. And while it’s one of the most popular information products out there, it’s just not for everyone.
Some people are intimidated by writing and they let that stop them from creating a product at all. There is an alternative that often gets overlooked: audio products.
If you love to talk, then an audio product will be a natural place for you to start your information business. All you need is to buy a microphone and some recording software for your computer. Then you just start speaking. It doesn’t get any easier.
If you want to have a recording that’s a little more interactive, you could host a teleclass and record the teleclass.
Or you can do what my colleague, Kevin Gianni, did and host a series of interviews (he did them live and video taped the interviews but you could even just have audio telephone interviews). Or you could have someone interview you: ask you a series of questions in your field of expertise and record your replies.
The recordings would then be your product.
You could release the recordings as is or, to enhance your audio product, you could have a transcript created and release it along with the recording. And there you go. In about an hour (a little more if you have a transcript created) you could have your first info product.
Not bad, right?
Let’s look at an example of what my colleague, Kevin Gianni did for an event he’s holding next week. Again, his product is video but the concept can easily be applied to an audio product.
You can link to the page I’ll be talking about here.
Let’s talk about this product as it’s a great example of how to put together an information product and how to put together a backend offer (which I haven’t covered yet in our weekly newsletter but I will soon).
First the product: If you read the salespage, you’ll see that the product is a series of video interviews with 15 of the top raw & living foods experts. From what I understand, Kevin spent his summer attending raw food events and connecting with the top experts in the field for interviews. They were recorded on video and will be released during the Rawkathon.
Access to the videos during the week of the event is free. So go ahead and opt-in to the event.
Have you done that? Great!
Okay, now you will see a page that you will want to bookmark or save for your swipe files. There are two upsells on this page. One is for a hard copy of the interviews you’ll be seeing during the event that includes DVDs & CDs of the interviews, transcripts, and a free trial to his Inner Circle.
If you don’t want a physical copy of the product, you can opt for the digital version of the program.
So from a series of interviews that Kevin lead while he was at events he was already planning to attend, he has a free online event which has been promoted by affiliates to grow his own list, as well as two upsell packages.
And all he needed was a video camera and the willingness of others to be interviewed.
This week, I want you to ask yourself these questions:
Can you see how you could do something very similar with an audio only product?
Is there a way that you can apply the same strategy (of interviewing experts in your niche or having someone interview you) to your business?
Are you missing out on these hidden opportunities to create products?
Remember: Product creation doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to keep your eyes open to the opportunities that are created around you and take cues and tips from the masters.
Take some time this week and plan an audio product. It doesn’t have to be a large series of audios like Kevin – even just an hour of focused information on your area of expertise will suffice.
Next week, we’ll take a look at some tools you can use to record your audios but for now, I want you to plan an audio product.