I’m sure that over the past year or so, you’ve likely received several emails from one Internet Guru or another telling you that the quickest way to find success online is with niche marketing. So what exactly is nice marketing?
What Is Niche Marketing
Niche Marketing refers to finding a segment of the overall market for a service or product. It’s essentially a spot you carve out for yourself in the Interwebs and establish yourself as an authority or expert. Some niches are very broad. But the best niches are laser-focused.
For example, a broad niche might be “weight loss.” A laser-focused niched might be “weight loss with the raw vegan diet” and an even narrower niche topic could be “weight loss using green smoothies.” See how it works?
You then develop a solution to meet the needs of that segment and solve a problem or issue that faces them.
Learn More About Niche Marketing
I invite you to become an elite member of the Circle of Champions, an exclusive coaching league dedicated to championing the success of brilliant entrepreneurs.
One of my clients, Kathleen Aston, delivers unparalleled life coaching and business services for career women, change-seeking individuals and women entrepreneurs. She formed the exclusive Circle of Champions to help entrepreneurs discover the top strategies, tools, and techniques you can leverage instantly to grow your business and increase your revenues.
This month, the Circle of Champions Coaching Call focuses on the topic of niche marketing with a session on Getting a Grip on the Ins, Outs and Fears of Niche Marketing: Un-Complicating the Complicated.
In the free one hour call, you’ll
- Gain an understanding of why it is imperative to niche you prospect pool
- Readjust your thinking by learning the economic, branding and marketing benefits of niche-ing
- Discover why niche marketing really scares you
- Find out how to define you niche easily
If you’re struggling with nice marketing and want to learn the exact steps to follow to choose, create and leverage your niche market, don’t miss this call!
Register for the call at http://ow.ly/6b3Ae
iChat: Have you selected a niche market for your business?
- How did your marketing change once you selected your niche?
- Has it been easier or harder to grow your business and increase profits once you selected a niche?
- Feel like sharing? …
Let me know your story by posting a comment below.