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The Autoresponder Services Used By Internet Marketing Super Stars, Part 1

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  • The Autoresponder Services Used By Internet Marketing Super Stars, Part 1

By Deborah Carraro

If you’ve been online for any period of time and have an interest in making money online, chances are you’ve seen both of the services I’m going to talk about today.

The first is strictly an autoresponder service, that is, it has no e-commerce capabilities, but I’ve seen it used successfully by a few fairly established Internet Marketers who integrate it with Clickbank or Paypal.

The second is a full-service shopping cart and is used by the top Internet Marketers to fully automate their online businesses and sales cycles. I’ll have a special issue about this service next week so stay tuned.

aWeber:Unlimited<br>  Autoresponders by AWeber
You can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by sending information to a hot prospect as quickly as you can. Before the advent of automated response marketing, your online inquiries relied on your ability to be online to reply.
But, after you’ve delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information? If you are like most Internet marketers, you don’t.

When you don’t follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp!

Following up with leads is more than just a process – it’s an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY!

aWeber enables you to create various systems to support your sales process. You can set up multiple segmented autoresponder campaigns to target different segments of your audience. You can create eCourses or set up a follow up sequence for more information about a certain product or even integrate the system with your clickbank account and create a follow up sequence for a product sale.

For example, let’s say one of your customers buys one of your eBook courses. You can help your buyer “consume” the product by sending them automated messages spaced a few weeks apart to point them to different modules in your eBook or even launch an eCoaching program that enhances the knowledge you shared in the book.

In addition to providing autoresponder capabilities, you can also send broadcasts to different segments of your mailing list enabling you to publish a regular eZine or send out special communications outside of your automated messages.

Good fit for:

  • online entrepreneurs with funds for an email marketing budget
  • email marketers who want to send a weekly newsletter or broadcast
  • online business owners who want to automate their sales process
  • anyone looking to emulate the best practices of established internet marketers by using the same systems they use 

Coming next week: Your one-stop e-commerce and automated marketing solution.

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WANT TO ADD THESE ARTICLES IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: Deborah Carraro is a succcessful online entrepreneur who got her start in the Inner Circle of many of the top Online Entrepreneurs today and is now sharing their business blueprints & online secrets with you. You can get a free subscription to her “Partner for Profits ” ezine by visiting

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Comment (1)

  • May 31, 2008

    The Autoresponder Services Used By Internet Marketing Super Stars ... | Online Secure Shopping

    […] Deborah Carraro put an intriguing blog post on The Autoresponder Services Used By Internet Marketing Super Stars …Here’s a quick excerptThe second is a full-service shopping cart and is used by the top Internet Marketers to fully automate their online businesses and sales cycles. I’ll have a special issue about this service next week so stay tuned. … […]

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