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Social Media For Social Causes

Okay I’ll admit it, I applied to for Charlie Sheen’s Tiger Blood Internship and I’m excited to have made it to Round 3.  Like him or not, you’ve got to admit that it would be a really cool summer job (for the record, I do happen to like him).

#TigerBloodIntern Round 3

Social Media For Social Causes

The challenge asked me to consider what I would do if I were the Social Media Director of a major humanitarian organization.  But it got me thinking, what would I do if I were the Social Media Director for any organization wanted to raise money for social cause?

If you’ve been watching recent global events, you’ll know that social media is a powerful tool to raise awareness about a cause.

The social media response to the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan is evident in the multiple online fund raising campaigns that were started within hours of the disaster, many by volunteers who were moved to get involved.

That’s why social organizations are increasingly turning to social media sites to promote causes and to allow individuals to flex their social responsibility muscles though sites like Twitter and Facebook.

The Red Cross raises funds for disaster relief through text messaging but there are other options available to social organizations.

Create The Necessary Social Media Accounts

The first step would be to create the necessary social media accounts.  At minimum, get on Twitter and create a Facebook Page to help keep visitors informed about the current crisis and spread awareness of how to get involved.  But don’t just create a profile and send out information.  Be active in those communities.  Respond to inquiries for information, spread the word about how to get involved, either as a financial contributor or volunteer, and share stories, pictures and videos of the people affected by the crisis or the cause that you’re promoting.

You could take it a step further and tell people how to prepare in the event of a disaster.

Build a related web page, blog or campaign page to direct to potential donors or, failing that, make your Facebook page the go to place for information where you share updates, pictures and video as appropriate.  I think it’s important to have a web presence outside of Facebook, as you have to be a Facebook member in order to fully participate in the community.

A site like is a great customizable online fundraising platform that keeps supporters involved and allows you to harness the latest new media tools to share your story.

Have A Secure Means of Collecting Money

Another important consideration for any social organization wanting to raise awareness and money through social media is to have a reliable, secure and authentic means of collecting money.  CauseVox integrates with PayPal so your donors can rest assured that their data is secure.

But just building a site doesn’t mean that the donors will come.  Raising awareness is key.

Facebook has a Global Disaster Relief page that helps spread the word about global crises.  Established Social Media organizations like Twestival are organized with the goal of raising funds for local charities. is a fun way for Tweeters to pledge a certain amount per tweet to a cause.  Non-profits can register for both services.

And while high profile celebrities may not be approachable (though it’s worth considering / trying) you can also get in touch with high profile tweeters and influencers like Scott Stratten or Joel Comm and speak to them about the possibility of helping you promote your cause by lending their name to a Tweet-a-thon.  If you approach a celebrity or influencer to assist you with your message, be sure to outline exactly what is expected of them in terms of commitment.

Change The World One Tweet At A Time!

Social Media has given us a great vehicle for micro-campaigns for socially responsible causes.  People no longer have the excuse that they believe in a cause or wanted to get involved but just didn’t know how to do anything about it.  Now anyone social organization or any interested individual with access to the internet can build a social media network and raise awareness, not just about global disasters but about causes that are important to them.

iChat: What Would You Do?

  • If you’ve raised awareness for social causes through social media, please share what you’ve done.
  • What challenges did you face?
  • How did you overcome those challenges?

Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment below.

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