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Book Review: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

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From the minute I cracked open the first chapter of this book and spoke my first incantation, magic started to happen.  Within days, I had a conversation with a colleague and raised my rates.  Getting paid what I feel I’m worth makes me much more valuable to my clients.  I’m able to concentrate on servicing them fully – without having to worry about where the next check is going to come from.

The Millionaire Mindset

Let’s take a look at the foundations of the “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”:

* We each have a ‘money blueprint’ that determines our level of financial success
* Rich people think differently than poor people
* Your thinking pattern about money leads to the financial results that you are experiencing
* You need to learn how to think: learn the right millionaire strategies and use them, and you can change your money blueprint

Eker’s Money Blueprint

According to Eker, we all have a “money blueprint” that is the foundation for all our beliefs, thinking and actions when it comes to the subject of money.  Our thoughts about money lead directly to our emotions, which lead directly to the actions we take… ultimately giving us the financial success or results we experience in life.

Thoughts > Emotions > Actions > Results

In Eker’s view, the blueprint is analogus to a thermostat.  He explains that if the thermostat in your house is set to 72 degrees and the temperature drops, the thermostat kicks in and brings the temperature back up to the pre-set temperature.  If the temperature goes up over 72 degrees, it automatically shuts off until the temperature comes back down to 72 degrees.  Your money blueprint works exactly the same way: hovering around a central set point.

Using the thermostat as the core model, Eker’s blueprint shows us that we’re programmed from early childhood to succeed up to certain levels.  If we manage to go higher than the set financial point in our blueprint, we don’t manage to stay there.  Eker posits that we somehow create a circumstance that brings us back down; and if we drop lower, we find a way to get back to our programmed level.

Reset Your Financial Thermostat

Of course, telling us about our financial thermostat is only part of the mindset.  The book highlights Eker’s popular seminars: The Millionaire Mind Intensive, a 3-day weekend program designed to allow you to reset your financial thermostat.

I have not attended the seminars myself but have heard that attendees are guided through high-energy breakthrough techniques and experience an accelerated learning process that leads to clarity on how you can overcome your negative, unproductive financial thinking and replace it with doable actions that lead to wealth.

I’m still working my way through the exercises but Millionaire Mind has helped me define my money blueprint, change my money affirmation and attract more opportunities for prosperity and abundance.  If you’re tired of being comfortable and want something more, then The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is for you!

What do you think?

  • Does the concept of the Financial Thermostat ring true to you?
  • Have you examined your own personal beliefs about money and discovered your blueprint?

If you’ve read The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind of have attended The Millionaire Mind Intensive, please share your experience in the comment area below.

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