I’ll be back later this week with a new issue of Partner For Profits. In the meantime….
Riddle ME This:
How do you turn a DEAD $27 ebook into an average customer value of $429 dollars?
How do you turn a $500K a year business into a $8.3 Million dollar a year business without more traffic or increased conversion rates?
How does a guy selling weird stuff in obscure niches (e.g. candle making and scrap metal) increase his profit by $2 Million dollars – in less than 3 months?
They call it Quattro.
The boys at Nitro Marketing are finally spilling the beans on the in-house “Shock and Awe” system they developed to increase their average customer value by 1500%.
I know, it sounds too good to be true.. that’s why Kevin Wilke, the co-founder of Nitro, put this video together to explain what this Quattro thing is all about.
This is already creating quite a buzz in the wild and wooly world of Internet Marketing.
BUT, what I really like about this Quattro thing is that it WORKS in niches outside of the IM space.
In fact, the majority of the case studies you’ll see are from weird and obscure niches… THINK candle making, magic and scrap metal. (I told you they were weird)
Kevin explains what it’s all about in the video here:
PS: What’s really cool is the Nitro guys are going to give away $1 Million dollars worth on training… ON THE HOUSE.
Seriously, you don’t even need to cough up a name and email address to watch the video.