You’ll *love* this news — I sure did!
I recently discovered an awesome automated system that finally puts you in complete control of your online presence. It boosts your traffic, makes list building a snap, and increases sales conversions by over 400% with pushbutton ease.
Best of all, within minutes this system instantly creates a New Media Marketing Website that works *FOR* you!
Since everyone — even you — needs a Web site that works hard at attracting and converting visitors; this is news I strongly suggest you take a moment and review.
How does it work?
All you do is sign up for membership and order your site which is installed for you on your own domain in mere minutes. With just a few simple setup steps, and the QuanSite™ system is ready to go to work FOR you!
As a matter of fact, it’s the ONLY Web site that installs itself and then works FOR you.
You just do what you would normally with a blog, Web site, or sales pages. QuanSite™ takes each of your actions and produces a 10-to-1 return by;
- Instantly creating keyword optimized site structure
- Immediately creating dozens of channels of qualified traffic
- And quickly securing top search engine rankings
… all done with the simple push of one button, and all done each time that button is pushed.
And QuanSite™ doesn’t stop there.
You’re intelligent enough to know that getting visitors to your site is only half the battle. Getting them to take action once they are there is what counts. And this is where QuanSite™ is a real workhorse for you.
Rapid list building and higher sales conversions are pushbutton easy with:
- A New Media optimized landing page (key for list-building and avoiding the Google slap)
- The option to turn ANY page into One Time Offer page with a single click!
- Auto link cloaker built right in to protect your affiliate or tracking links
- An exclusive “Audio/Video Action Motivator” that literally moves your visitor to the page you want at the end of an audio or video finishes playing on your QuanSite™ site
The fact is — QuanSite™ is an online persuasion machine!
But there’s even more!
QuanSite™ is a complete Content Management System for non-techies. People from a 12-year old to a 66-year old grandmother are using it to build big lists and make more sales.
It makes quick work of all the tasks that you currently shell out hundreds of dollars per month to your web designer for. Absolutely critical things like:
- One-click creation of sales, registration, and other *action pages*
- Instant navigation menus and keyword optimized archives
- Change your site layout and swap out your site header with the push of a button
- Insert ads, images, or any other code you want just about anywhere you want on your QuanSite™ site with absolutely no knowledge of HTML
- And much, much more!
The best part is that, for a limited time, the founders have decided to give an incredible you just can’t refuse…
Grab a QuanSite™ Membership for yourself (or even up to a limit of three,) and you get:
- *Your first month for $9.97*
- You are locked into the current discounted QuanSite™ Membership rate for LIFE!
How hard is your Web site working for you?
How much MORE work could it be doing FOR you?
Find out! Grab a QuanSite Essentials membership for yourself.
~ Deborah 🙂
Note: Please forward this to friends, family, coworkers, clients, and everyone you think may be interested in having a Web site that works FOR them. Thank you.