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Are You Limiting Your Profit Potential?

In my role as QuanSite Ambassador, I get to speak to many different entrepreneurs – some who are starting out in their first business and trying to earn a living online and some who are established online business owners with a loyal following and steady sales.  I love talking to business owners at different stages of their business because I have something to learn from each of them and of course I’m always willing to share what I’ve learned.  I love helping people overcome their techie challenges and master the tools and technologies they need to build an online business.  iQuanSite makes the job of putting a new media optimized hub site online easy and yet some people still get stuck and rooted in inaction.

They believe that the technology is too difficult.  Or their business isn’t advanced enough to require such a sophisticated tool.  Others have a preconceived notion about what’s under the hood and determine that it’s not right for their business.  And still others simply give up when they don’t earn their first dollar within a prescribed period of time.  They all have beliefs about either themselves or the business of doing business online that limits their profit potential.

The only thing limiting you is the belief that you can’t do it.

It’s that simple.  If you believe you can’t master technology, then you will never be able to master technology.  If you believe that your business doesn’t require the cream of the crop business tools or a world class coach or whatever limiting believe you have about your business, then you’ll never believe you deserve all those things… and you’ll never attain them.  You’ll remain a small thinker who tinkers around on the internet and makes a few dollars but you’ll never unlock your profit potential.  You’ll never be the superstar you were born to be because you’re limiting yourself with your beliefs.

A wise man recently said “Your mindset is more important that cash flow” and I agree!  Are you a worker bee or an entrepreneur?  Are you a follower or an innovator?  Do you fly under the radar hoping that no one will notice you or do you shout from the rooftops to anyone that will listen?   If you believe that you have unlimited potential, then nothing can stop you.

Any limitation you have is a self-imposed limitation.  There’s nothing that you can’t learn.  Maybe I’m lucky to have had a fantabulous mentor as a child who never limited my growth.  Never once told me that I couldn’t do something.  Always encouraged me to take risks and believed in me.  I grew up believing that I was an unstoppable, though incredibly lovable, force that was only limited by my own beliefs.

The only person responsible for your business, is you.  The only person responsible for your life is you.  You have the ability to learn anything, to change anything about your business or your life.  You can achieve anything you set your mind to.  It may not always be easy but it can be achieved in time.

The only thing limiting you, is you.  Isn’t it time you broke free?

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