Brainstorming Your Book Planner

Brainstorming Your Book Planner


Writing a book is a surefire way to increase your visibility, your income and your authority!



However, many aspiring authors get stuck in the brainstorming step. We’ve created this planner to help curb the overwhelm of brainstorming your book by showing you step-by-step how to brainstorm, outline, write, and launch your book successfully!

The Step-by-Step Planner Covers (33 PAGES):

    • Step 1: What’s Your Book-Writing Goal?
    • Exercise: Brainstorm Your Book-Writing Goal
    • Step 2: Refine Your Message
    • Exercise: Write The Back Cover Blurb for Your Book
    • Step 3: Your Story Matters
    • Exercise: Write Your Story
    • Step 4: Research
    • Exercise: Find and Read/Review at least 10 Books in Your Niche
    • Step 5: Outline and Organize Your Content
    • Exercise: Outline Your Book
    • Step 6: Goal-Setting, Deadlines & Time Management for Authors
    • Exercise: Decide on Your Writing Schedule
    • Step 7: Dealing with Distractions, Procrastination, and Other Book Killers
    • Exercise: Brainstorm Potential Distractions and Write a Plan to Deal with Them
    • Exercise: Recognize When You’re Most Likely to Procrastinate, and Decide Now How You’ll Resist the Urge
    • Step 8: Choosing a Publishing Platform
    • Exercise: Research and Choose Your Publishing Platform
    • Step 9: They Will Judge Your Book by its Cover
    • Exercise: Design Your Book Cover
    • Step 10: Launch Planning
    • Exercise: Plan Three Promotional Activities You’ll do to Build a Buzz About Your Book Prior to Launch
    • Exercise: Plan Daily Promotional Activities for the First Few Weeks After Release
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