Let me throw some #TRUTH your way: you cannot possibly do everything you need to do in your business by yourself.
Did you hear me? Let me say it again: you cannot possibly do everything you need to do in your business by yourself!
Did you catch it that time? I hope so!
Sorry, I know I’m on the verge of a rant here but these past few weeks, I’ve been speaking with a few online business owners who are frustrated because they can’t do it all. The sheer amount of tasks that you have to stay on top of as an online business owner, and frankly even an offline business owner, is staggering. Everything from web design and programming to list building and viral marketing to billing and bookkeeping to connecting via social media and… well the list goes on and on. Add to that the thing that you actually offer as a product or service in your business and you’ll quickly realize that you can’t possible do everything that needs to be done to effectively run your business and still keep your sanity.
But online business owner after online business owner thinks they should. And they try to… and things fall through the cracks.
A Proven Success Strategy
Let me let you in on a little secret: focus on your strongest skills and talents and outsource the rest to those whose skills and abilities are strongest in those areas.
For example, I am not a big fan of bookkeeping. Don’t get me wrong, I really like math and I really like having an accurate view of my income and expenses but I just never seem to want to put in the time that’s needed in order to keep my books up to date. There are so many things I would rather be doing like building a new WordPress site for a client or putting together an ezine or creating a video campaign or… well you get the picture. A lot of things take priority over bookkeeping.
Understanding our strengths and knowing our weaknesses is the key to business success. Once you’ve identified the areas in which you need help, outsourcing will really enable you to focus on your strengths and ensure that your customers and prospective clients experience the BEST you!
Again: you’re not supposed to do it all. Focus on your best and outsource the rest.
Got it? Good!
Outsourcing Resources
Most of my clients look to me for their outsourcing needs. I either do the work myself or manage a team of my own to assist with the project. In all cases, the point of contact for my client is me. Then I manage the project for them.
Some of my clients also use Elance.com. It’s super easy to use and has an extremely intuitive interface. Getting started is easy: you can sign up for a free account and then click the button that says “Post Your Job.” Service providers registered with Elance then see your project and submit a bid. You can award the bid to the service provider of your choice and there’s a handy feedback system that allows other clients to rate the different vendors so you can make an informed choice about which vendor to choose.
Rent-A-Coder and Scriptlance are two other similar services or you can hire a Virtual Assistant, Online Business Manager or even a specialist like a Social Media Manager.
Hire iDeborah
Of course, I’d be tickled pink if you wanted to work with me. I specialize in helping online business owners get online and integrate the various tools and technologies they need to compete in the new media marketplace. I work with some of the biggest stars in their niches as well as the little twinkles… stars that are just about to shine and share their brilliance with the world. I invite you to explore my services and I would be happy to give you a call to discuss how I can best suit your needs.
Remember, outsourcing frees up your time so that you can spend more time doing the things you are best at and enjoy doing. While outsourcing may seem like an added expense, the ability to focus on your core strengths and doing the work you love to do will pay off in the long run.
Get in touch today!