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Happy Client: Multiple Streams Theme Customization

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  • Happy Client: Multiple Streams Theme Customization

A few weeks ago I received a call from David Dutton.  He was looking for someone who could customize a Multiple Streams Theme WordPress blog theme and wondered if I was up to the task.

Turns out he had already contracted someone for the project and they had delayed on getting started.  Not only that but once they did get started, they realized that the project was beyond their skill set.  So asking if I was capable of customizing the theme was a valid question.

I use the Multiple Streams Theme on my own blog and knew I could manage the task.

Multiple Streams Theme Customizations

The Multiple Streams Theme is a very well built WordPress theme.  But unlike some other premium themes, most of the customizations need to be done in the code directly rather than through the theme editor that some premium themes have.  With the Multiple Streams Theme, you need to modify the php and css files directly in order to make changes.  It’s a very well designed theme and once you know where changes need to be made, it’s easy to understand how to customize the theme.

I worked with David to create a custom header for the site as well as tweak the layout and look and feel of the theme.  We also worked together to design a few graphics to be used in the sidebar and to highlight some important site features.  The project was completed on a tight time line – the majority of the site was ready within 24 hours and launched on his own server within a week.

You can see the results of the customizations below or visit Houston Weight Loss Surgery online at

Hire iDeborah

Need a WordPress site installed or WordPress theme customized? Deborah Carraro, or iDeborah as she’s affectionately known, is a WordPress whiz who specializes in easing the frustration that can come with learning a new technology. She manages the technical aspects of your blog so that you can focus on what you do best: blogging and serving your tribe.

If you’re ready to hire a seasoned blog or webmaster, contact Deborah today by filling out the form below!


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