I giggled myself silly this morning watching the Spoof-A-Summit interview with Benny the Book Agent, a Michael Port insider who shared secrets about how Michael Port uses online video in his business. As I watched the interview (you can find out more information here), I remembered many of the conversations I was privileged to take part in when I was a member of Michael Port’s support team.
If you know a bit of my history, you’ll know that I was lucky enough to be mentored by Michael during my tenure on his team. He gave me my start as a Virtual Assistant and challenged me to learn many of the internet marketing tools I still use daily to support other online entrepreneurs. As a member of his team, I was lucky enough to learn first hand how the strategies taught in Book Yourself Solid.
Even though I’m no longer on Michael’s team, I’ve admired him from afar and continue to read and watch everything he creates. He is one of my online business mentors and I study his success and use the tips and tricks I glean in my own business and in supporting my clients who are at various stages in their own business growth.
The mark of a true mentor is their ability to continue to challenge and inspire you… even from afar. And Michael did it again as you’ll see from the video below. I’ve been talking about doing online video for… well longer than I care to admit 🙂 And it took the wisdom shared by Benny the Book Agent for me to finally buckle down and get started.
Thanks Michael!
To learn more about Michael Port and his programs, visit Booked Solid University.