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Mark Joyner Speaks Out About Tragedy At The Olympics

I received a great email from Mark Joyner today and thought I would repost it here.  We should all take his thoughts to heart.  If you want more information about Mark Joyner & Simpleology, click here.

Tragedy at the Olympics

There’s something I want you to do to take this tragedy and
“make it right” – but first here’s a little background in case
you don’t know:

In the 2004 Summer Games in Athens Michael Phelps only won
5 Gold Medals.

This was such a tragedy that the news media hounded him for his

See, he was trying to enter the ranks of those who have won 7
golds at a single Olympics like Carl Lewis and Mark Spitz.

Alas, the poor kid got only 5 Gold Medals.

A tragedy!

When interviewed about his failure to make 8 golds in swimming
and beat Spitz’ record he said …

“My goal is one Olympic gold medal. Not many people in this world
can say, ‘I’m an Olympic gold medalist.'”

Isn’t it amazing how a single shift in perspective can make
something like the monumental achievement of 5 Olympic Golds
seem ordinary?

My jaw almost dropped right out of the socket when I saw that
the news media was spinning his win of 5 Golds as a failure.

Phelps is making another run for it now in Beijing and I’m
rooting for him like mad.

As I write this he has 3 golds and the games aren’t even half
over so he has a fighting chance.

The only tragedy will be if the media diminishes this young
man’s greatness – no matter what the outcome.

Well, scratch that …

It probably won’t bother Michael Phelps a damn bit.  I mean,
it seems that he is relatively un-phased by way the news media
treats him and he just keeps his eye on what’s important to
keep improving himself.

Little by little he gets better and better every day and,
news media be damned, he’s going to do his best – whatever
that best may be.

The only tragedy that ever really happens is when we stop
improving – when we stop believing in ourselves …

Just watch the Olympic athletes and you get a sense of this.

Under the greatest possible pressure they stand their with
grace and, win or lose, the keep their composure.

Can you imagine the preparation it must take to make oneself
that way?

In the spirit of the Olympics, I want to invite you to join
me on that quest.

Let’s take that little every day tragedy in our lives – the
tragedy of not believing in ourselves, of giving up, of
listening to the doubts of others, and “make it right.”

If you don’t have a Simpleology account, sign up for one here…  Simpleology 101 is free to join.

If you already have a Simpleology 101 account, the be sure to check out:

 ** Simpleology 102:  The Simple Science of Money
** Simpleology 103:  The Simple Science of Personal Energy

Each already comes at a reduced cost of 97 bucks and includes
hundreds in cool bonuses.

However …

Only if you act in the next 48 hours (Olympians don’t sit
around and wait for things to happen!) …

I’m going to let you have 102 at zero cost when you get 103.

This is my way of saying “let’s make the tragedy right” but you
will have to move very quickly.

I believe in rewarding people who make fast decisions and taking
fast action.

So, if that’s you, just click here to get started!


Mark Joyner
Founder of Simpleology

P.S.  In case you haven’t seen any of the hundreds of success
stories we get flooding in every single day, here are a couple
for you that will inspire …

“Thirteen days so far. I feel more energy, much more than I
started with and I’m just starting the Power Praxes! Already
that 15 minutes is altering my actions (from little to more
and growing) and I’m anxious to move forward now. I have sent
information about the class to several people so far, and
will continue to do so. It’s great feeling energy again, and
I want to share it with everyone I know.”
** Dr. Clifford Tedder

“I’m telling everyone about this! Since I have been doing my
Daily Target Praxes, I have been getting SO much more done,
I mean ten times as much done in terms of my daily output as
a freelance editor… but what has been most exciting to me is
the fact that I’m actually reaching my goals instead of them
being nebulous points on the horizon. As a children’s author
this means that I’m actually writing books and articles and
getting them out to publishers and Simpleology has absolutely
been the driving force behind this change in the way I see
things and the way I operate.  Thank you for making the
straight line to success so clear!
** Marlo Garnsworthy

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