Several of my clients have had success with targeting local small businesses to help them get online and get noticed by their ideal customers, as well as Google. I myself have also been targeting offline local business owners and using the proven strategies that I know work for online business owbers.
Did you know that there are 29.6 million local small businesses in the USA alone that need help with their online marketing? I’m not sure of the exact number for Canada but I suspect it’s a fairly high number as well.
Do you know what they would say even if you only had a little online marketing experience?
“Will You Help Me?”
I know because I’ve heard that phrase several times myself.
Why should you consider helping these local businesses?
It’s really simple.
They need more leads and customers but don’t know how to get them.
No matter how much experience you have marketing online, whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you’re an expert compared to them.
Marketing for local small businesses is a simple way to bring the following into your life:
- Less Work
- More Time with Your Family
- And More Income
You could be making anywhere from $500 to $20,000 per month working part-time or full-time helping local small businesses market themselves online.
But don’t take my word for it.
My friend Mike Koenigs is the most knowledgeable person I know in this area and has a proven system called Main Street Marketing Machines.
I’ve taken the course myself and it’s fantastic. A few of my clients have taken it too and have successfully launched their own marketing businesses.
Anyhoo, Mike’s offering a free video course on marketing for local small businesses.
All you have to do is enter your email for instant and immediate access.
There are no hoops to jump through once you do this.
Just click the Instant Access button after entering your e-mail into the field and the first video is shown immediately.
You can unsubscribe anytime, but I can assure you that the entire course will blow you away.
Sign up now for instant access.
P.S. This course on marketing for local small businesses won’t be up forever so go watch it now.