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Integration Marketing Support

I’m pleased as punch.  I had some time to dig into my Integration Marketing studies tonight.  Read through the eBook and was itching to dive into Mark Joyner’s Integration Marketing Starter Kit… and my link kept prompting me to buy the Starter Kit.  I checked it – and rechecked my invoice to make sure that I had in fact bought the product.  Yup I had. 

So I surfed on over to the support site and met my knight in shining armor: Tim Wilson.  He managed to get my account all sorted out and was pleasant to deal with and so very polite.  Because I know how tough it can be to troubleshoot an issue blind and how tough it is to be on the front lines of a support desk (I manage a few for my clients), I just wanted to post a quick note thanking Tim and letting the world (including Mark Joyner – maybe if I type his name enough times, Google will alert him to this post) know that ….

Tim Wilson rocks!

Thanks Tim for getting my account sorted out.  I’m pleased as punch and ready to dive into the rest of the Starter Kit.

Comments (2)

  • August 7, 2008

    Mark Joyner

    It’s official: you are the ninja master of getting my attention! Tim Wilson rocks – as do all the GREAT folks on my team. Thanks for the call out 🙂


  • August 7, 2008

    Deborah Carraro

    Hey Mark!

    I think I might just have to put Ninja Master on my biz card. Been looking for a new title. Glad Google let you know I’m out here. Hope Tim and the rest of the GREAT folks over there know I’m tickled pink that they exist.


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