Last week, I read a fantastic post called “Exit Email Hell in 3 Steps” on Mark Joyner’s Simpleology Blog that outlined the great steps to cut down email overload. He had three simple steps to exit email hell and make us more productive:
- Dump your current email address
- Set up five new email addresses to handle the different types of contacts you have (family/friends, general business, close business, free stuff, purchases)
- Filter the mail that’s received by those addresses into separate folders in your email client
And voila! You’re better able to sort through the clutter that clogs most people’s inboxes and keeps them from being productive.
But the first step in increasing your productivity, even before you go through the steps outlined above, is to sign up for your free Simpleology account. I’ve been following the system for years and highly recommend it. Do it before you view the video I’ve created below because Simpleology is a vital part of the system we’ll be creating below.
You can sign up for your account by visiting
I’ve created a video tutorial to make the system outlined above easier to follow. I’ll show you step-by-step how you can set up a free gMail account, have it download to Outlook and filtered into a sub-folder. Just click play on the video below to get started.
How To Exit Email Hell