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How To Build A Squeeze Page

By Deborah Carraro

If you’re in a hurry, click here to download the template.

If you’ve never heard of a squeeze page before – it’s simply a web page with one sole purpose: To build your list of subscribers.

You can also use it to pre-sell a product you’re promoting but for most internet marketing newbies, the purpose of the squeeze page is to quickly increase your opt-ins.

So let’s go through what are the elements of a good squeeze page. Gone are the days of a one-page website consisting of a just a squeeze page. Google has cracked down on those type of websites so a good squeeze page now needs two elements: content and links to relevant pages.

Your website doesn’t need to be large but at minimum it should have one squeeze page and then about four more web pages containing relevant or similar content. The content does not need to be long, two hundred words or so will be fine.

You can find the content by using PLR articles or alternatively write your own content.

The squeeze page itself has four main sections:

  • headline
  • sub-headline
  • benefits
  • subscription form

This may seem like a lot to create but remember, it doesn’t have to be a wordy page. And if you happen to be using your squeeze page to pre-sell a product, then you will have all of the elements required.

Let’s talk a bit about the last element of the page: the subscription box.

Internet users are pretty smart cookies. They know that if they opt into your mailing list, you’re going to e-mail them. So most are very picky about the mailing lists they join.

The competition to score a name is fierce! You need to stand out to get noticed.

For you to get subscribers you need to create a compelling offer (a special report, a complimentary coaching session, etc) to entice your visitors to opt-in to your list.

There are a few ways in which you can achieve this:

  • Write your own report or ebook on the subject.
  • Have a ghostwriter write a report or ebook.
  • Write a email series on the subject.
  • Offer a book or report that you have giveaway rights to.
  • The easiest of all is to make use of PLR products that you own.

Of course your own report would be the best as it will be unique and not available anywhere else.

I’ve created a template for you to use to build your squeeze page. I have provided an outline for your headline, sub-headline, benefits and subscription form, including the fonts and colors you should be using for maximum effectiveness.

To get it now, click here. For a video tutorial on how to use DreamWeaver to create and edit web pages, click here.

WANT TO ADD THESE ARTICLES IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: Deborah Carraro is a succcessful online entrepreneur who got her start in the Inner Circle of many of the top Online Entrepreneurs today and is now sharing their business blueprints & online secrets with you. You can get a free subscription to her “Partner for Profits ” ezine by visiting

Comments (2)

  • May 14, 2008

    Donna Gulley

    I have a squeeze page – but I don’t know how to put the Aweber html into it to get it to work on that site – I want the squeeze page as my home page – they told me perhaps you could help.



  • May 14, 2008

    Deborah Carraro

    Hi Donna

    Thanks for your note! I love the design of your website! It’s so pleasant.

    I took a look at your squeeze page. It looks like you’re missing the code that actually tells the form how to submit itself. Specifically, you were missing

    at the top of your form code and at the end. I fixed up the code for you and tested it on my server and it worked.

    You can see the file here

    If you right click and view source, you can copy and paste the code into your current page and upload it to your web site. I’ll also send you a copy via e-mail.

    Hope this helps!

    ~ Deborah 🙂

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