A few weeks ago, I mentioned that one of my clients was rethinking his opt-in strategy. (If you missed that post, you can read about it here).
Well I’m happy to announce that the project was completed a couple of weeks ago and ready to unveil it for you.
Get Wrestling Strength: Video Tips Lead To Increased Sales For Fast Action Takers!
Get Wrestling Strength offers strength training and mental conditioning tips to transform weak wrestlers into “pinning machines” (i.e. champion wrestlers).
As part of the new opt-in strategy (you can see the old one here), Zach recorded a series of video tips (seven to be exact) that share his best strategies for developing a winning mindset and improving speed, power and athleticism. Once visitors opt-in at his video squeeze page, they are entered into an auto-responder sequence designed to deliver one video tip daily for seven days.
Video Series Template
As part of the video tips, I modified one of the templates available as part of the Video Squeeze Page Templates to give the video series an edgy and cohesive look and feel. The templates are designed for static HTML websites so I modified them for use with the Get Wrestling Strength WordPress site.
As part of the overall opt-in strategy, Zach wanted to offer a fast action bonus to his followers. Each tip in the series offered a discount on a new ebook training program called “Workouts That Win.”
I used the One-Time Offer Manager WordPress Plugin to ensure that the discount rewarded action takers. Zach wanted the discount to be available for the duration of the series only and expire once the video tips auto-responder sequence finished.
Here’s a screen shot of the offer page for one of the tips in the series:
Optimize Press Helps Easily You Create Salespages
The project also involved the creation of the Workouts That Win salespage. We used the Optimize Press WordPress publishing platform to design the sales site for Zach’s new training program. I installed the Optimize Press theme for him and worked with Zach to convert his sales copy into a nicely designed sales letter that included a several video testimonials to enhance his sales copy.
What I love about the Optimize Press platform is that it enables you to design great looking salespages with a few clicks of the mouse. If you’re not a designer and can’t afford to hire someone to design your salespages for you, Optimize Press now offers an affordable way for you to design eye-catching and effective salespages, squeeze pages and one-time-offer pages.
You can see a snippet of the salespage below:
Experience The Series For Yourself
If you’d like to get a taste of the entire series, head on over to http://GetWrestlingStrength.com and opt-in on the video squeeze page. You’ll be able to sign up for the video tips series and see how the One Time Offer plugin works.
Hire iDeborah
Does your opt-in offer work? Or are leads being lost? Need help designing an opt-in offer or autoresponder sequence?? Deborah Carraro, or iDeborah as she’s affectionately known, can help you conceive and design your ethical bribe, video tips or autoresponder series so that you can capture leads and convert them into sales.
If you’re ready for a site makeover, contact Deborah today by filling out the form below!