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Get Unstuck: How To Beat Writers Block

Yes, yes, I know – it’s been a while since my last blog post.  To be honest, I ran out of things to write about… or I had too many things to write about and just didn’t know where to start.

Believe me, there’s nothing worse than sitting down to create a blog post only to find that NOTHING comes out.  So I hop onto Twitter, check my email for the umpteenth time… all the while trying to think of SOMETHING that I can write about. Searching for the inspiring post that will engage and energize my reader(s) 🙂  After days, weeks, months of silence, I finally decided that there’s a blog post sitting right in front of my nose: examining the roots of writers block and some simple tips to get back into action.

The Root Causes of Writers Block… and how to kick them to the curb!

Writers Block #1: Boredom

Let’s start with my all time favorite: boredom. Maybe you’ve been writing about the same thing for so long that you’re just plain sick of it.  Or maybe you were inspired to write something in the middle of the night that seemed like a great idea but now that you’re actually down to the task of writing it seems… well dumb!  For me, boredom is usually an indication that I’m starting off in the wrong direction.

iDeborah’s Writers Block-buster:

Just start writing: Put pen to paper and write out anything that pops into your mind. It doesn’t even have to be related to what you were originally intending to write. This is an old trick from my days in a creative writing group. I used to start my mornings with blank paper and a stopwatch. I would set the timer to go off after three minutes and challenge myself to keep my pen moving for the entire time. There’s something about the act of writing that helps to clear your head and get your ideas out.

Writers Block #2: Negative Thoughts

Ah another personal favorite: negative thoughts. You know that little voice that whispers (sometimes shouts!) in your ear? Saying things like “That doesn’t make sense. You don’t know what you’re talking about!” or “Really? You think that’s a good idea?”  Yup, that little guy has the power to stop me in my tracks and walk away defeated.

iDeborah’s Writers Block-buster:

Recharge your batteries: Honestly, some days I just tell that voice to shut up! But on the days when I’m feeling like being a little more gentle on myself, I’ll switch tasks.  I’ll put on one of the songs I love to sing and belt it out!  Or I’ll take five minutes and play with iKitten.  Or stand out on the balcony and resist the temptation to toss my computer over the edge!  The point is to clear your head of the negative self talk that is holding you back.  For me, that means simply acknowledging that I’ve heard that little voice and then focusing on something that makes me happy.  It’s a little trick I learned from Cecil McIntosh when I was going through some personal challenges that I’ve modified to apply to getting past blocks.

Writers Block #3: Self-Defeating Habits

This one is borrowed from the world of life coaching. There are so many things that have the potential to distract us from our personal and professional goals (hello Twitter and Facebook, I’m talking to you!). Do you surf the Internet when you’re stuck? Or eat junk food when you’re bored? Or go shopping? Or… or… or… any of the things that serve to get (and keep) you off track and moving away from your goals?

iDeborah’s Writers Block-buster:

Go for a walk: Seriously. Just get your butt moving.  Sometimes I’ll just get up and do 100 jumping jacks and 100 squats and that’s enough to kick start an idea. Some of my best ideas have come when I’m out on a walk or dancing around my living room. Exercise, or any kind of movement, gets your heart pumping and the blood flowing. Sometimes five minutes is all it takes to shift my mood and I’m ready to sit down and get things done.

Use any of these suggestions the next time you’re feeling stuck. And if you have any tips that work for you, pop them into the comments below. I’m always looking for fresh ways to get unstuck.


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