If you’re doing business online and hoping to gain a following, you have probably been counseled a dozen times that you need to become an expert in your specific niche.
With hundreds of online entrepreneurs vying for attention from a specific group of customers, you’re literally fighting for the attention of the same customers… or target market… or raving fans — I’m sure you’ve heard a half dozen terms for the same group of people.
Whatever you call this group and however you single them out, your only job is to grab their attention and help them to get to know you and trust you. The best way to do that is to position yourself as an expert.
Now I know some of you may be sitting there saying “But I’m not an expert in anything” and clicking away from this blog post. Before you do, let me say one thing:
Being an expert begins with YOU!
It comes from the inside. If YOU don’t believe you’re an expert, no one else will.
Declare yourself an expert and shout it from the roof tops. Create a title for yourself like “The Raw Vegan Authority” and start referring to yourself that way. A funny thing happens when you do… eventually you become the raw vegan authority.
So decide what it is that you’re an expert in (ideally it should spring from something that you’re passionate about) and declare yourself the expert.
Sound intimidating? Let’s see if I can frame it another way.
Passion Lies At The Root Of Authority
I have a passion for music. I have a degree from a University that says I know a fair bit about music theory and performance techniques and music history. I have decades of one-on-one instruction in vocal performance and the technical nitty-gritty of getting up on a stage and singing or playing an instrument. I have taught music at the high school and university level. I listen to the radio all day and have an extensive CD collection. I have even written articles for a musical association.
Would I say I’m an expert?
I have a passion for technology, particularly web technologies and social media. I am an early adopter of tools like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. I have started and abandoned more blogs that I can count. I am a master at many of the online tools that are needed to run and grow an online business. I have taught hundreds of entrepreneurs how to use these tools. I’ve worked with some of the best Business Coaches, Internet Marketers and Online Entrepreneurs and have learned the best practices in running a business (online or otherwise). I am connected to technology one way or another every waking moment.
Would I say I’m an expert?
The truth of the matter is, it doesn’t really matter whether I’ve had formal or informal training in any given field. What counts is passion. What matters more is my own belief in my talents and knowledge.
Credo Ergo Sum
Credo Ergo Sum… I believe therefore I am (somewhere Rene Descartes is rolling over in his grave).
Once you find something you’re passionate about, declare yourself as an expert and then the fun begins: start writing!
Begin with easy things like writing a blog post, or an article or a newsletter. As your confidence increases, expand into bigger formats like books (that’s still on my to-do list) and information products.
Three Easy Ways To Increase Authority
Let’s take a brief look at the proven ways to increase your authority and become a recognized expert in your niche.
Write Articles
Articles are a great way to position yourself as an expert. When your prospects search for information on your topic and find and read your article, you’ve just earned expert status in their mind.
Publish A Newsletter
Writing a print or email newsletter is the next step on the ladder of authority. With newsletters you’re communicating with your readers on a regular basis and providing them with expert information on a topic (or topics) they care about AND building a relationship with them.
Author A Book
The golden egg in many entrepreneurial baskets is writing a book or eBook. All three tips involve writing, did you notice that? When you write something, people perceive you as an authority on the subject. That perception is multiplied when you become an author of your own book. I’ve heard many of my clients mention that authoring a book is the ultimate authority booster.
Having a book positions you as an expert. If you have a book and others in your niche do not, you will stand out from the crowd easily.
I know that writing a book can seem overwhelming so start small. Publish your own ebook. That will also work to boost your perceived level of expertise.
Again, all three ways to increase your visibility as an expert in your niche involve writing: the more you write, the more you’re perceived as an expert.
Remember: being an expert begins with your own mindset. Don’t wait for someone to hoist you up onto their shoulders and proclaim you an expert. Believe it yourself and others will follow.
I haven’t really started building my website or doing the work to become visible in my niche (I’m a freelance makeup artist). Do you think I really need to do that?
Another great question Tabytha! It’s never too soon to start building credibility or visibility in your niche. You may find that there are other mediums that will work for your particular business. Since you’re a makeup artist, you can start to post videos on YouTube that teach people how to apply makeup or reviews your favorite products. Or consider creating a few boards on Pinterest that do the same – showcase your work or collects images of interesting makeup applications. It’s never too soon to start!