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Happy Client: Zach Even-Esh Increases Opt-Ins With One Simple Tweak

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  • Happy Client: Zach Even-Esh Increases Opt-Ins With One Simple Tweak

Did you know that one simple WordPress plugin could dramatically increase your email list opt-in rate?  Zach Even-esh knows and that’s why he hired me to customize the popular Popup Domination software for two of his blog sites.

Be sure to check out both his WordPress site (built by yours truly last month) as well as his QuanSite to see the popup in action.  Pretty fancy, huh?  And all easy to achieve with Popup Domination.  It literally takes a few minutes to install the plugin (which we could do on his WordPress site) and then the fun begins.  There are a few templates to choose from and you can build your popup using the templates provided or modify them as I did to use the custom images provided by Zach.

With his QuanSite, the project was a little trickier but still possible with the stand alone version of Popup Domination.

You can see the results of both Popup Domination customizations below:

Popup Domination: WordPress Plugin on

Popup Domination: Stand Alone version on

Hire iDeborah

Need a WordPress plugin installed or customized on your site? Deborah Carraro is a WordPress whiz who specializes in easing the frustration that can come with learning a new technology. She manages the technical aspects of your blog so that you can focus on what you do best: blogging and serving your tribe.

If you’re ready to hire a seasoned blog or webmaster, contact Deborah today by filling out the form below!

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