I spent some time at our family cottage this weekend. We decided to head North on Friday afternoon so I packed my kitten up and decided to leave the computer behind. Our cottage is located about an hour North of the City and because we don’t live there full time, we don’t pay for high speed internet.
I have a USB Rocket stick that allows me high-speed access or I have the option of using dial-up (trust me, dial-up is not an option for the work that I do LOL) but my honey man was in a rush to get moving so I didn’t bother to look for the stick (and as I’m typing this now, I see it’s right in front of me, tucked beneath my monitor!) and had the first disconnected weekend I’ve had in months.
Well, it wasn’t truly disconnected as you’ll see in the video below. Just press play now and listen to me share my thoughts… bloopers and all.
iDeborah Asks: Can You Live Without The Internet?
Now that I’m back in the City, I feel much more refreshed. I had moments of complete boredom which lead to some really great brainstorming and creativity. With no external sources competing for my attention, I was able to sit down and review the things that have been working and not working in my business and make decisions or come up with creative solutions to tweak things that could be working a little bit better.
I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t completely disconnected from the world but do go through periods of digital cleansing. What about you? Your turn to share your thoughts.
iChat: Can You Live Without The Internet?
- Could you completely disconnect from the internet for a day, a week or even a month?
- How often do you give yourself a break? How does it impact your performance?
Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment below.
Deb!!! Ahhhhhh, I wish I could be without the internet, ha ha
I miss the days of simplicity, I miss NO texting and a simple phone call.
I miss only a few web sites, rather than a few million 🙂
On weekends, I barely check e mails, it doesn’t negatively impact my business but I laugh at how people resend the e mail the next day thinking I didn’t get their first e mail.
I used to use an away message autoresponder and MIGHT test drive checking e mail once
a day for 30 minutes max.
Tough call, tim ferriss and gary vaynerchuk both have valid points w/this stuff!
Hey Zach. I barely check e-mails either on weekends. Or at least I try to. I’m not always successful.
I have a few clients that have followed the Tim Ferriss model of checking e-mail for 30 minutes a day with varying degrees of success. I honestly don’t know if I could do it but might give it a try… on Saturday or Sunday LOL
I’ll be sure to let you know if I do decide to give it a try so you’re not missing me!
WordPress MultiSite Feature Explained | IDeborah.com
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