WordPress has challenged bloggers to increase the frequency with which they post to their blogs. WordPress will be providing daily inspiration for the challenge on dailypost.wordpress.com. In keeping with the challenge, they’ll be posting every day so you can get regular boosts of motivation to blog more often.
As part of the DailyPost Challenge, WordPress is launching two campaigns:
- Post a Day 2011: Post something to your blog every single day through 2011
- Post a Week 2011: Post to your blog at least once a week through 2011
You can choose which campaign fits with your personal blogging style. They suggest “If you’re thinking big, sign up for PostADay. If you’re haven’t posted in ages, or have never posted at all, PostAWeek might be your speed. Still noble and bold, but perhaps more your style.” Participation is tracked by using the tag tag postaday2011 or postaweek2011 in your posts.
I’ll be stepping up my own blogging in 2011 on several (if not all) of my blogs. Right now I am committing to one post a week on each blog. Since I have five active blogs, that translates to five posts a week! I have a feeling that once I get back into the swing of things, I’ll be stepping up my game.
Are You Ready For The Daily Post Challenge?
I recently read a great article on John Chow’s blog about How to Make 2011 Your Best Blogging Year and thought I’d share some of his tips with you:
Take Your Blog Seriously
Because a blog cost next to nothing to start, most bloggers don’t take it as seriously as they should. If you want your blog to advance beyond the hobby stage, you need to take it seriously and treat it like a real business. Don’t let 2011 be the year you’ll give blogging a try or make a half hearted effort to start blogging again. Instead, make 2011 the year you take your blog to the next level because your blog is just as serious as a $100,000 “real” business.
It’s Time To Get Your Own Domain Name and Web Hosting
If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to give your blog a domain name and get out of Blogspot or WordPress.com and into a professional web host. Taking your blog seriously means having your domain name and a professional web host. Fortunately, the cost of these items are so low that any normal business would kill if that’s the only expense they have to pay for.
Make a Commitment to Post On A Consistent Frequency
If I were to nail down one ingredient to blogging success, it would have to be a consistent posting habit. Most bloggers fail because they want instant gratification and mistakenly think that blogging is the quick road to riches. When they first start, they’ll post like crazy for a few weeks, maybe even a few months. When nothing comes from it, they quit and become a statistic.
The key is consistency. On again, off again blogging doesn’t work. I have averaged two posts per day since the day this blog was created. There has never been a single day when there wasn’t new post to read. Even when I go on vacation (like I am now), the posting frequency does not change. It is this kind of consistency and commitment that will lead your blog to success in 2011. You should choose a posting frequency and make a commitment to stick to it for the entire year.
If you’re new to blogging and don’t have a WordPress site at all, be sure to sign up for my WordPress Set Up Guide, you’ll find the sign up box to the right of this post.
iChat: Will You Accept the Daily Post Challenge?
- Do you have a blog that hasn’t been getting any post love?
- Does your business have a blog?
- Will you commit more time and energy to growing your blog?
Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment below.
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