
About Deborah Carraro

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So far Deborah Carraro has created 294 blog entries.

AI in Online Courses: Your New Best Friend (Who Happens to Be Really Smart) 🤖

Okay, let's talk about the elephant in the Zoom room—AI is everywhere, and it's making waves in online education. But before you start having flashbacks to every sci-fi movie ever, let me tell you something: this isn't your typical tech revolution. Levraging AI in online courses is more like getting [...]

2024-11-02T15:17:21-05:00By |AI|0 Comments

Introducing Canvas: The Ultimate Tool for Stress-Free Blogging

Struggling with content creation? Discover stress-free blogging with Canvas, the new feature in ChatGPT designed for non-tech-savvy entrepreneurs. From drafting to editing and revising, Canvas simplifies every step, saving you time and effort. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to effortless blogging with your new collaborative writing partner.

2024-10-22T13:19:37-05:00By |AI, Blogging|0 Comments
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