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Anchor Tags Are Important To Your SEO Strategy

We’ll conclude our look at Word Tracker’s “Keyword Basics” with excerpts from their final lesson about anchor tags.

To rank well in search engine results you need to score well on both on your own pages and on other pages – which is a bit more difficult to control.

Most external links will use your domain to link to you, but if you can persuade them to link to you using keyword rich linking text (sometimes called anchor text), then you’ll get a significant search engine boost.

For many website managers and owners getting an external link of any kind is achievement enough, without having to manage the even more difficult task of persuading an external website to link to you using specific keyword phrases of your choice.

So how do you get keyword rich inbound links? One of the easiest ways is to simply show people how you’d like them to link to you. Write the html, make it available and ask people just to copy and paste the code into their own web pages. There are others ways but that’s by far the best way to ensure that your link is displayed how you want it displayed.

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