My life is happily full of musicians. Must be because I’m a musician myself – been singing since I could speak. MySpace began as one of the premiere places online to promote musicians but the tips below could apply to anyone using MySpace for marketing and networking. In fact, many of the tips could apply to anyone who blogs – even if not on MySpace. Enjoy!
7 Tips To Writing A Crowd Drawing MySpace Blog
by Max Lowe
So, you’ve decided to create a blog on MySpace – one of the single most effective ways to draw an audience to your profile. Before you get started, it is important that you know exactly what seven things you can do to ensure that crowd shows up though – otherwise, you will be left scratching your head at the lack of views:
1. Write Every Day: You must write frequently and often for more than one reason. First, the search engines will pick up your blog quicker and more often if you post every day or two. Second, your readers will return more often if they know there is going to be new content every day.
2. Create a Theme: Don’t write about any thing that pops into your head. Try to create a theme – in this case, likely your band and its development – and stick with it every day. An occasional aside never hurt anyone, but consistently changing topics only diffuses your message.
3. Be Informative: Offer useful, new information. Your readers want a good reason to return and the classic “you heard it hear first” mentality almost always works. Announce new tracks, new tours, and new ideas here and people will start following your posts for new information.
4. Proof Read and Spell Check: Always ensure every post looks nice and crisp before launching. If it appears you don’t care about quality, it only negatively reflects on your band and your profile.
5. Seed Your Blog Posts: Use social bookmarking websites like, Digg, Stumbleupon, Netscape, Facebook, Reddit, and Furl to seed your blog posts so that more people can find them. If you are especially proud of a post, make sure to seed it everywhere.
6. Comment on Other Blogs: By commenting on other popular blogs in your niche – bands and music related topics – you can draw other blog owners and readers back to your own blog to check out what you write about. You might even get a link back which will increase your visibility.
7. Provide Something Extra: Give your readers a little bonus for stopping by. Create videos, podcasts, or offer downloadable tracks only on your blog. Freebies and incentives are always a good way to maintain heavy blog traffic.
If you use these seven tips and write an interesting, regularly updated blog, you can build an attention grabbing, incredibly popular MySpace profile in no time flat.
About the Author: MaxLowe.Net is taking the mystery out of music marketing in a Web 2.0 world. Find him online at