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6 Steps To Creating Info Products for Money, Image and Success Part 4

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  • 6 Steps To Creating Info Products for Money, Image and Success Part 4

By Michael Port & Mitch Meyerson

product factoryStep 4: Choose a Title That Sells

The title of your product or program can make a big difference in whether or not your product sells. It’s the title that initially catches the consumer’s attention and determines whether or not they look any further. Your title must be compelling enough for the prospect to want to know more. The consumer should be able to know exactly what you’re offering, by reading or hearing your title. Investing time to craft a captivating title can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

6 Types of Titles That Sell

Generate Suspense: The Secret Life of Stay-At-Home-Moms.

Tell A Story: The True Story Behind Why Brad and Jen Called it Quits – As Told By Their Personal Plumber Franz.

Address a Pain or a Fear: The Top Ten Fears Every Leader Has and How to Overcome Them.

Grab the Reader’s Attention: CAUGHT! The 6 Deadliest Marketing Mistakes.

Create an Emotional Connection: What My Son’s Tragedy Taught Me About Living Life to the Fullest.

Solve a Problem: The Seven Keys to Finding Love After You’ve Been Left at the Altar.

One of these types of titles may be especially fitting for your product or for the framework you’ve chosen. Most could potentially work with more than one.


List 3 of the 6 types of titles that fit your product or that you find especially appealing, along with possible titles that fit each type. Have fun with this. The idea is to get the creative juices flowing. You may or may not decide to actually use any of these titles so don’t get stuck trying to decide on the ‘perfect’ one.



That’s it for today! 

Now go out there and produce!


ABOUT THE EXPERTS: Michael Port is the Leader of The Think Big Revolution, a membership club of over 750 big thinkers and an internationally known marketing and business development expert for entrepreneurs and creator of Book Yourself Solid, The 7 Keys To Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle.

Mitch Meyerson is a visionary and the creator of many critically acclaimed books and programs that have sold well over 100,000 copies in 21 languages, including the Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program.

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  • September 18, 2008

    6 Steps To Creating Info Products For Money, Image And Success Part 5

    […] already created a strong, workable framework for “delivering your story” (as discussed in lesson 4) it will be a simple exercise to craft a table of […]

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