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If you’re an entrepreneur and you really want to thrive, then there really is no excuse for not building an email marketing list. You probably have a handful of excuses reasons for not building your list, like:
I get it! It's really easy to come up with reasons NOT to start building your list.
But here's the thing: it's time to leave all those reasons behind! They won't bring in the people you need to make your business profitable.
List building is the one small tweak you can make in your business model that can take your business from zero all the way to being a lucrative money-maker.
So building your email list should be your top business priority and something you focus on every day.
That's why I've put together this 30-Day list building focus group so that you can grow your list and rock your email marketing.
This 30-Day Focus is perfect for the wildly ambitious entrepreneur, the newly minted business coach, Beachbody coach, doTERRA advocate, Instagrammer, and the blazing blogger. This group is for you even if you’re already an established online business owner and want to bring more consistency and accountability to your list building process. PLUS: You'll get instant access to the bonus ebook "The Wealthy Mindset."
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