Oopsie!!  As I was recording this week’s video, the battery died on my Flip cam.  Guess I ran them down last week as I was recording my video for Round 3 of the Tiger Blood Intern search.  Gosh if only I’d spoken a little faster (I think it cut off the last five seconds or so).  Well you’ll see enough to get the gist!

iDeborah Asks: How Do You Find Inspiration

Whenever I’m stuck for ideas for a blog post (as I was this morning), I get my body moving.  In the Winter, I usually hop on the treadmill and walk for 30 minutes to an hour.  I’ll be honest, I started my daily exercise routine earlier this year with the goal of simply doing something for me.  Setting aside an hour a day where I could just focus on doing something strictly for my benefit.

If you’re a busy solopreneur, I’m sure you know how challenging that can be!

I was amazed at the hidden benefits that came along with my daily exercise.  Yes, I am getting in shape.  Yes, I have more energy.  Yes, I don’t crave as much junk food. Yes, I’m better able to manage stress.

But I was surprised at how a daily walk has helped me grow my business.  I find that I do some of my best thinking on the treadmill.  I’ve come up with ideas for blog posts, thoughts on marketing campaigns for clients or my favorite — solutions to coding challenges that just seem to appear all of a sudden like lines of code running down the screen in the Matrix LOL

iChat: Where Do You Find Inspiration?

  • How do you find inspiration in your business?
  • Are there any rituals that you perform in order to brainstorm or overcome challenges?

Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment below.