
Follow Friday

Every Friday, Twitter is all a buzz with recommendations on cool tweeps to follow.  It's one of the most popular Twitter memes (trends associated with Twitter).  There are no rules to Follow Friday.  You can participate or opt-out - it's up to you.  You can recommend a string of people, or [...]

2018-07-05T09:36:55-05:00By |Twitter|0 Comments

Let’s Meet

I received the same message from another online entrepreneur a few months ago and thought I'd post it here and put my spin on it. If you're not using social media to expand your network, find long lost friends, grow your business, and just have fun reaching're missing the [...]

2018-07-05T09:37:03-05:00By |Twitter|0 Comments

More Reasons To Love Twitter

I know you've heard me profess my love for Twitter before but here's another reason: Last week, I noticed an error occuring with aMember plugin and 1ShoppingCart.  In a nutshell, 1ShoppingCart wasn't passing renewal information to aMember so people were being locked out of their member accounts.  The payment was [...]

2018-07-05T09:37:06-05:00By |Twitter|0 Comments


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