Those of you that know me, know that I’ve been lucky to work with some amazing tweeps and Facebook experts and learn the strategy behind social media from early adopters and prolific tweeters.  But when I wanted to improve my skills and learn the art of social media management, I turned to the Social Media Fly Girl: Kate Buck, Jr.

Late last year I watched a new video called… “The Most IN-DEMAND Job on Earth“… you can watch it here

Ever wish you could get paid to hang out on Twitter and Facebook?  This course teaches you how to set up your own Social Media Management business and if you follow the story of Kate, you’ll know she went from unemployed to $10,000 / month after expenses all while playing on her iPhone.

I’m not there… yet 🙂 but I know that with the training provided by Kate will help me get there.

Kate had already been on my radar.  It was easy to find her on different social networks, sharing her knowledge.  I didn’t have direct contact with her but knew that her course would be full of great tips and tested social media marketing techniques and strategies because I’d seen her in action.  So I registered for her course and began to benefit personally from her expertise.

What You Get

The course is delivered online through a membership site and contains six basic training modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Branding You
  3. Service Offerings
  4. Doing the Work
  5. Finding Clients
  6. Nuts & Bolts

Each training module consists of one or more videos along with the same presentation in a downloadable audio (.mp3) file, a PDF handout which contains the powerpoint slides Kate uses in the presentation and in most cases several resources and supporting documentation to help you start your business.

Is Social Media Management Really The Most In-Demand Job?

I was curious so I went to and did a search for “social media manager”… wow!

Also, from my work with some marketing experts, I know that a lot of local businesses that used to spend money every month advertising in the Yellow Pages have changed their focus to online advertising – including social media.  So businesses like law firms that are used to spending money on advertising, now realize they need to be on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and that they should have a blog.  The problem is they either don’t know how, don’t have the time or both. That’s where a social media manager comes in.

Kate recently updated her training materials and is accepting new members into her program.  Click Here to check out Kate and Ryan’s video that will give you more details about the market potential. Note: that’s my affiliate link.

Happy tweeting!